The RCT Flex-Tite fitting is a new self-restrained fitting with an integral restraining gasket. This fitting eliminates the need for external restraint devices that are labor intensive and are prone to corrosion. It teams the strength of ductile iron with the non-corrosive benefits of an internal self- restraining gasket in an easy-to-install push-on fitting. This is the only self-restrained fitting designed and manufactured specifically for the PVC pipe industry. Flex-Tite fittings are designed to be used on AWWA C900/C909 DR-14, -18 or -25 pipe in 4-inch through 12-inch diameters.The Flex Tite family of fittings includes flange adaptors and flanged tees, bends, tees and reducing tees, wyes and reducers, as well as solid and tapped caps.
Features & Benefits
- First flexible self-restrained DI fitting for PVC pressure pipe
- Can be used on any DR 14, 18 or 25 pipe in 4-inch through 12-inch diameters / C909 / C900
- Capable of 5 degrees of deflection, it has a low insertion force
- Full line of tees, bends, couplings and reducers
- Corrosion resistant fusion bonded epoxy coating
- For water applications
- Proprietary patented technology
The Need for New Technology
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes are frequently used in buried applications for carrying water and wastewater. In buried applications, ground movement is usually minor especially in areas of minimum seismic activity. However, ground movement can be extreme in areas experiencing frequent and violent seismic activity as well as areas that experience dramatic expanding and contracting soils, e.g., coastal areas and areas in which the ground is predominantly clay. The two most common occurrences when ground water is present are joint separation and pipe shear with ultimate failure. There are multiple products on the market today that use external mechanical joint wedge action restraints. These restraint systems are assembled externally by mechanical means that point load and distort the pipe and in many cases cause pipe failure. Also once assembled these products do not allow for deflection so problems still exist with pipe shearing and failures when there is ground movement. An RCT system, once assembled, fully restrains and allows a full 5° deflection in any direction. There are no rods or bolts that can corrode, the metallic segments that are integral to the fitting are made of 304 stainless steel.